Complete Your Will While Practicing Social Distancing

Complete Your Will While Practicng Social Distancing As the COVID-19 crisis has unfolded, we’ve had a number of concerned folks contact our office who are eager to get their Wills drafted. Their only hesitation is that they don’t want to put themselves or their loved ones at risk of infection in the process. Does this […]
The 7 Basic Steps of a Divorce
Blog Post #2 The 7 Basic Steps of a Divorce Thinking about getting a divorce? Among a host of other emotions, you’re probably feeling anxious about what a divorce entails and how it might impact the next months or years of your life. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to predict exactly what your divorce will look like […]
Show Your Love This Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is celebrated for myriad reasons. For many married couples, the holiday represents a reinvigoration of love, romance, and courtship. While all those virtues are worth celebrating, there’s a fourth virtue you and your spouse should consider this Valentine’s Day: commitment. After all, you’ve vowed to be each other’s soulmates for the rest of […]
The New Year’s Resolution That Lasts a Lifetime
2019 is officially upon us. If you’re like most people, the beginning of a new year is a time to contemplate what changes might make your life more simple, manageable, or easy to enjoy. For many, these changes include traditional goals, such as improving diet or getting back in the gym. While such resolutions are […]
Give the Gift of Peace of Mind
With the holiday season approaching quickly, your mind is likely becoming more and more occupied by the pesky thought “What gifts should I buy for my loved ones?” Indeed, this question is never easy to answer. But, here’s a unique gift idea that you may have never considered before (and may be the most valuable […]
Three Reasons You Need a Medical Power of Attorney
What Is a Medical Power of Attorney? A Medical Power of Attorney is a legal document that transfers your authority to make medical decisions to another person in the event of your incapacitation. A Directive to Physicians can be used to bind medical professionals and family members to make certain healthcare decisions that you selected […]